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Our clients represent some of the most innovative organizations and ideas of our time

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The Five Heads team provides strategic communications for Genome Project-write, the follow-on to the Human Genome Project and facilitated media coverage for 2019's Event 201 - a pandemic exercise organized by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


We managed communications and media engagement for leading early childhood education advocates Defending the Early Years to fight for equitable and developmentally-appropriate learning, and impact policies and legislation in the U.S. and globally We engaged national press for FEWSION food, energy, water supply chain data and visualization project during the COVID pandemic--sponsored by the National Science Foundation, USDA, DOD.


We have a long history with the American Red Cross from training disaster spokespersons to supporting communications around national and international programs, including disaster response and recovery, mobile preparedness apps, blood services, and first aid training, including Gabrielle Giffords Honorary Save-a-Life Training on Capitol Hill and in 100 communities. 


We worked with the Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) to promote their annual global membership conference, APAP|NYC, and the January Arts NYC collaboration of events that bring more than 3,600 artists and industry leaders to New York City for the largest convening of performing arts professionals in the world. In four years, we quadrupled the number of attending press and increased their media coverage by 30 percent each year. 


We scheduled a series of desk-side briefings with top-tier U.S.- based financial, business and health editors for the CEO of global health care giant Fresenius Group. Other global clients include Management Sciences for Health, Aspen Global Health and Development, Global Integrity, and agencies and organizations contracting with USAID, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, high profile foundations and United Nations agencies.


We also provide communications support for a variety of exciting smaller organizations and events including Adams Morgan Day, Art All Night, Children’s Concierge education company helping children and parents explore destinations around the world, Pickle Pea Walks Washington, D.C. walking tours, Harding University's Encouragement Foundation and their "What's Right with the American Teenager" event and documentary, SeniorLink elder care tech solutions, and Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits.

Defending the Early Years (DEY) is a nonprofit organization working for a just, equitable, and quality early childhood education for every young child. Their top leadership are among the industries leading spokespersons. Our team heads their communications and media relations, advising on strategy and messaging, and facilitating 
interviews with national and education media outlets to inform industry leaders and influencers and advance the cause to protect and support young minds. 
Genome Project-write (GP-write) - the follow-on to the Human Genome Project - is an open, international research project led by a multi-disciplinary group of scientific leaders. The Five Heads team is working to promote and secure media coverage of outcomes for its serious of scientific meetings that bring together global leaders in the field of genome writing, regarding achievements to date, and what’s coming up next. 


Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
is hosting Event 201, a video-driven pandemic simulation exercise organized in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Five Heads team is strategically promoting and facilitating media coverage for the event that will involve and illustrate the preparedness efforts, response decisions and cooperation required of global business, government, and public health leaders to diminish the large-scale economic and societal consequences of a severe pandemic. 
Red Cross
FEWSION™: Data Science for Supply Chains has built the first complete empirical description of the U.S. supply chains so that every citizen and policymaker in the U.S. can see where their commodities come from. Our team engaged national press, garnered media coverage and prepped the head of the national FEWSION (food, energy, water) supply chain data and visualization project for interviews during the COVID pandemic. FEWSION is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, USDA, DOD and others.
Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI), is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of biomedical research by advocating best practices and standards to accelerate the translation of research breakthroughs into life-saving treatments and cures. The Five Heads partners provide strategic communications and media relations for their events, papers and industry advancements to promote and further their important work. Their work toward improving research reproducibility has been featured on NPR's All Things Considered and PRI's Science Friday, and is regularly covered in science publications including Nature, Science, JAMA and The Scientist. 




The American Red Cross works to prevent and alleviate human suffering. Our team consults for the Red Cross after working full-time for the organization for nearly two decades. We have provided external communications strategy and media relations for major donors and government and non-government partnerships, national/field blood services issues, crises, campaigns and promotions, public-facing labor-related issues, Gabrielle Giffords Honorary Save-a-Life Training campaign, preparedness mobile app series, and annual advanced-level media training and coaching simulation events for some 200 professionals preparing to be disaster spokespersons.
The Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) is the national service, advocacy and membership organization for presenters of the performing arts. Since 2013 we have worked to promote their annual global conference, APAP|NYC, and the January Arts NYC collaboration of events. APAP|NYC brings more than 3,600 artists and industry leaders to New York City for the largest convening of performing arts professionals in the world. More than 125 story placements per year have included The New York Times, The Village Voice, The Wall Street Journal, CBS Radio, NPR, Bloomberg Radio, PRI's The World and Le Monde. 


Aspen Global Health and Development (GHD), one of 28 policy programs within The Aspen Institute, helps to build innovative strategies for global health and poverty alleviation. Our team managed media coverage of events designed to build support across all development sectors for reproductive health programs, featuring successes of national health system leaders in India and countries in Africa, and engaged press covering clean water and environment sectors that would attend and influence the 20-year plan developed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development, held in Rio in 2012.
Global Integrity (GI) supports progress toward open, accountable and effective governance in countries and communities around the world. Consulting here included U.S. media outreach for three annual “report cards” GI issued on dozens of international governments’ efforts to increase transparency and improve governance in their countries. We also provided logistics and media attendance outreach for a roundtable meeting supporting establishment of the Open GovHub in Washington DC, where multiple agencies working to improve government transparency work under one roof in one of the first large shared work spaces promoting the open data movement.


Harding University created the Encouragement Foundation and the National Day of Encouragement (Sept. 12). We have worked with them to promote the movement and its events and initiatives, creating a communications strategy, training and coaching the leadership to give effective media interviews, launching the campaign, and filming and premiering the documentary,  "7 Days Across America: What's Right with the American Teenager." Comedian, Jeff Foxworthy hosted the campaign and starred in the film featuring the stories of 14 teenagers who are changing the world. 
The Management Sciences for Health (MSH)  mission is saving lives and improving health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. We have conducted communications audits and written communications strategies for the Strengthening Pharmaceutical Services program and the Center for Health Services, including international field offices. We conducted media outreach for national health systems rebuilding in fragile states of South Sudan, Haiti and Afghanistan; for World Aids Day and for universal healthcare at the UN General Assembly. 




Fresenius is one of the world’s leading healthcare companies. The group is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany and offers high-quality products and services for dialysis, hospitals, and outpatient treatment around the world. We worked to introduce the companies global CEO to U.S. audiences, scheduling a series of desk side briefings for him with U.S.- based financial, business and health editors from top-tier outlets including The New York Times, Bloomberg-Businessweek, Forbes, Fortune and Barrons.






The Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits is a nonprofit organization equipping and strengthening the Oklahoma nonprofit sector through training, consulting, advocacy, membership, networking and awards. We have served as communications consultants for the Center, training member nonprofits in communications and marketing strategies, media relations, crisis communications. We also provide expert media training and coaching for print and broadcast interviews.





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